Friday 25 April 2014

Procrastinators: How to Get things Done?

"Never leave till tomorrow, what you can do today".

Some of us, procrastination isn't an occasional kind of thing. Instead it is a vice grip that locks us up to define the way we approach things. If you're like me you know the exhausting ritual well.

The question is why are some of us more susceptible than others?

Research has shown that procrastination is at least in part, heritable and has a strong genetic overlap with impulsivity. Procrastination either evolved at the same time as impulsivity, or "evolved as a byproduct of it".

But before you start blaming your penchant for leaving everything to the last minute on mom and dad (as I did when i read this research),remember most of our personality traits are, at least in part, heritable.

Getting Things Done-

Stop Making Excuses

Procrastination is a voluntary delay of a beneficial intended act, and therefore causes uncomfortable dissonance, which we attempt to ease with a string of excuses.
While procrastination can causer individuals to hyper focus, it's simply because their backs are against the wall.
Procrastinators need to realize that it is possible to concentrate without the motivation of deadline-induced panic.

Minimize distractions and set strict deadlines.

If you have every distraction, available at the push of a button, you're more likely to check Facebook, check your emails, and suddenly three hours have gone by. Distraction decrease productivity for everyone. It's better to eliminate as many of them as possible(be that blocking Facebook, deleting solitaire off your desktop, whatever you have to do).

Don't let your inner 6-year-old dictate your actions.

We internalize the notion that our motivational state has to match the task. "We don't feel like doing something and we think that's a reason".
This logic is a 6-year-old thinking. "For many of important tasks, if not most of them, getting started has nothing to do with how we feel".
We often dismiss the notion of getting started today with the perpetually hopefully. "I'll feel more like it tomorrow".

The biggest myth, that procrastinators need to dissolve if they want to break the delay cycle? 'I'll do it tomorrow".

"Once you realize that this is an avoidant coping strategy, you're on your way".

Tuesday 22 April 2014

Five Reasons You're Not Getting a Raise (And What You Can Do About It).

You might think you deserve a raise, but that doesn't always mean your employers agree with you. And no, you can no longer heap all the blame on a bad economy.

If it's been a while since you increased your salary and you are, coming up against a wall, the most likely reason Here are the top five reasons you haven't landed the increase you so desperately want, and how to fix it.

Are you having Unrealistic Expectations?

It's vital to check in with your employers regularly so you're on the same page about your performance. Does your boss think you turn in above average at work or they think you're struggling at it?
Also, does your company give raises at a certain time each year or its based on performance.
But finally, remember to consider your company's financial situation. Asking for a big raise when the company is struggling can come off as out of touch.

Are you Doing Only What's Expected of you?

Doing your job is what you are paid for, whereas a raise is a sign that your boss sees that you're contributing at a higher level than what you were originally hired to do. One good rule of thumb is to be an employee who makes your boss's job easier. Volunteer to take on additional projects and think about what you can do to lighten their work-load.

Don't Call Attention to your Accomplishments, or act Entitled.

Doing either of these extremes, will not help you get a Salary bump. First make sure your boss is aware of everything you've taken on. And feel free to share your successes-they show that you're capable and competent. Be subtle about it: Set up a meeting to discuss projects you're working on, mention key wins you've had and ask for feedback in how you could still do better.
Another good strategy; Rely on third-party praise. Copy your boss on an email chain discussing a successfully-executed project or forward your boss a particularly moving compliment from a client.

Unable to Problem Solve, or you Love to Complain

Be honest with yourself: Is your gut instinct to tell your employer every time an issue arises, or do you try to navigate through hurdles yourself?
If it's an issue that truly needs to be escalated, by all means, manage up. Ultimately the people who get raises are the employees who consider it their jobs to provide solutions, not raise problems.

You Don't Pay Attention to the Details

Does your boss tell you to fix the same type of mistake over and over again? Do you constantly need reminders? Do you usually ask the same questions twice? If you answered "yes" to any of these a raise is (most likely) not in your near future. Take notes while your supervisor is giving instructions, see if you can find the answer yourself before asking questions, and each time you make a mistake, write down for yourself what it was, why it happened and how you'll prevent it from happening in the future.

If none of the above reasons apply to you, then seriously,
 "Ask For a Raise".

Don't expect your boss to bring it up.



Actually you can, that’s just an excuse – a valid one but not a good enough one in my mind. However we both know how hard that decision is to make. To let go of that safety net and 100% commit to you an idea you have.
The biggest reason people don't end up quitting is the fear of uncertainty. They don't know what might happen and they don't want to give up the security that they already have.

How do you know when the time is right to make the leap?

The current issue with the Nigerian economy right now is that a lot of people are been forced into the entrepreneurial-life without being prepared for it.
Loads of people are laid off every week in all sectors of the economy - Banking;Telecoms; etc even the civil service have started threatening to lay-off now.
A lot of men/women who use to make six-figure salaries are suddenly thrown back into the already saturated labor market.Some of these guys are laid off with loads of cash as pay-off but with no inkling on what to do with it!
I recently heard a story on radio of a guy who lost around 11 million naira of his pay-off money from a venture/business he started after he was laid-off from his job. 
These stark-reality has forced many still fortunate to be in paid employment to start thinking of business ideas and how to start while still on the job.
I believe this is a fantastic way to start on the journey of entrepreneurship as it gives you a big foam to land on every time you jump off that business-cliff and you jump wrongly, unlike the guys that are 100% sold to the entrepreneurial life without any cushion.One wrong move and they are back to zero with loads of debt and heart-ache.
But starting a business while still on paid-employment also comes with loads of challenges as well:

# who follows up on clients while you are in the office attending to your day job?

# how do you go about marketing your products or ideas to potential clients when you have to face your job or targets given to you in the office?.

# how do you handle your Administrative or Accounting needs?

There are loads of questions that will come up requiring answers when you eventually start,yet you don't want to quit your day job yet for the unpredictable Nigerian business environment when you have bills to pay and family to look after.
My BIGGEST suggestion to the entrepreneur that are still in paid-employment will be to hire a VIRTUAL ASSISTANT.

Thursday 17 April 2014


#Easter Holidays are here again.

The Easter break is here again. The four-day Easter weekend, marks when Christians celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ after his crucifixion.

What do People do?

Easter is a very important occassion for Christians, since the resurrection of Christ reflects a central idea in Christianity. Many Christians attend special church services even if they do not attend services regularly during the rest of the year. For non-religious people and followers of other faiths, the four-day Easter weekend is a welcome break and a chance to enjoy a range of relaxation events. Some people tend to use this period to travel because of the four days stretch holiday while some go on vacations, tours to Neighbouring countries.

Public Life

On Easter Sunday, nearly all organizations, businesses and many stores are closed, even if they are normally open on Sunday. The morning period shows Christians going to different churches to worship. The later afternoon shows family visits, Sunday lunch, outings and events occurring in different parts of the cities.

Impact on Small Businesses

Some businesses use this period to do promo sales on their products/services e.g. clothes, appliances, catering services, events, etc.

Background and Symbols

Christians believe that Jesus Christ was sentenced to death by crucifixion by Pontius Pilate, the governor of Judea. He was crucified on a Friday and when he died, he was laid in a tomb. On the following Sunday, a group of women visited the tomb and found it empty. Jesus had been brought back to life. This resurrection is celebrated on Easter Sunday.

What are your plans for the Easter Holidays. Leave a comment.

Wednesday 16 April 2014

Work-Life: Applying Balance and Making it Work

Work-Life balance, is too important to be left in the hands of your employer or your business. It is a concept of proper prioritizing between "work (career and ambition) and "lifestyle" (health, pleasure, leisure, family and spiritual development).

Most recently, there has been a shift in the workplace as a result of advances in technology. People now have many methods, such as emails computers, and cellphones, which enable them to accomplish their work beyond the physical boundaries of their office.

Researchers have found that employees/entrepreneurs who consider their work roles to be an important component of their identities will be more likely to apply these communication technologies to work while in their non-work domain.

Stress and Work-Life Balance.

Clearly it can be seen in our environment that problems caused by stress have become a major concern to both employers and employees. Symptoms of stress are manifested both physiologically and psychologically. Persistent stress can result in cardiovascular disease, sexual health problems, a weaker immune system and frequent headaches, stiff muscles, or backache. It can also result in poor coping skills, irritability, insecurity, exhaustion, and difficulty concentrating. Stress may also perpetuate or lead to poor eating, smoking and alcohol consumption.

The feeling that simply working hard is not enough anymore, to get ahead, a seventy hour week is the new standard. What little time is left is often divided among relationships, kids and sleep. This increase in work hours over the past two decades means that less time will be spent with family, friends as well as pursuing activities that one enjoys and taking the time to grow personally and spiritually.

Global changes in Work-Life balance.

New labor laws in France now protect some workers in the digital and consultancy sectors-including the French offices of Google, Facebook, Deloitte and Pwc -from having to respond to work emails outside of working hours.
A sweedish city council announced this week that it's trialing six-hour workdays with full pay for its staff in Gothenburg. The experiment is based on the theory that after six hours, employees become tired and productivity is reduced.

Bringing Balance to your Work-Life.

A lot of people are having a more difficult time finding balance in their lives because there have been cutback or layoffs where they work. They're afraid it may happen to them so they're putting in more hours.
Here are five ways to bring a little more balance to your daily routine.
1. Build downtime into your schedule .

When you plan your week, make it a point to schedule time with your family and friends, and activities that help you recharge.

2. Drop activities that sap your time or energy.

People tend to waste their time and energy on activities or people that add no value, see our blog post (Why allow people steal your time?)

3. Rethink  your errands.

Consider whether you can outsource any of your time-consuming household chores or errands.

4. Get Moving

It's hard to make time for exercise when you have a jam-packed schedule, but it may ultimately help you get more done by boosting your energy level and ability to concentrate.

5. Remember that a little relaxation goes a long way.

Don't assume that you need to make big changes to bring more balance to your life. Slowly build more activities into your schedule that are important to you.

As you follow this ways to bring a bit of balance to your work-life, focus your time and attention on things you can control.

Leave a comment, on tips that works for your Work-Life Balance.

Tuesday 15 April 2014

6 Productivity tips for small business owners.

How do you remain productive, when there are so many distractions in the modern office and online. How do you stay focused when there are so many things to think about in your business.Running a business, getting a shape, learning a language-can be achieved in much less time than we can imagine.Its' a common theme for small business owners to be, or at least believe they are, the glue holding together their company.Consequently, small business owners often become snowed under with the everyday chores of running a company-fixing broken air conditioners,answering telephones and responding to hundreds of emails.

With some simple strategies,business owners can get more out of their day and in turn lift their business growth.

1. Have a clear goal

Not having set goals,can make it easy to become distracted and let other things distract you from what is important to your business.
Research has shown that people should spend two thirds of their time completing one main goal each day. In other to stick to the clear goal,business owners should have a "check and balance" system in place.
This could be in the form of a mentor, an informal or a formal board.This will help stop a business from going off track.

2. Customer Awareness.

Every business is reliant on its customer.It doesn't matter if it's a tech company, a retailer or law firm,without customers to buy your products or use your services there is no business.Focus on the customers.Think about what's going to make a difference to the customer or your clients.

3. Reflect on your business standing

Reflection can keep a business owner stand on track and ensure opportunities does not pass him by and make calculative risk.That's why there need to be checks and balances in place so the business owner has someone to run ideas by.

4. Identify Risks

Identifying risks to the businedd can allow a business owner to prevent a problem before it occurs,or put strategies in place to deal with it. You need to think about what risks and issues could arise and how to address them, so that way at least they won't come as a surprise.

5. Duplicate Processes

If it works,replicate it.Duplication of processes allows effective processes to be replicated throughout the business,boosting productivity.Make a list of all the tasks/processes/conversations that are duplicated in your business and if they're working create a system.Then train people to use the systems.

6. Take time for yourself

Being a business owner its easy to forget about maintaining a balanced life and exercise often fails by the wayside.Every business owners got to have a work-life balance. They don't need to be there 24/7 if they have the right management structures in place.

As a small business owner what other productivity tips can you comment on.

Monday 14 April 2014

Does Pinching Pennies costs Companies more than they save them?

Being accustomed to having to account how they spend their money,people who aren't hesitant to spend their own money on themselves fall into the trap of Pinching company pennies.

Behind conference-room doors and at kitchen tables, corporate big slots and heads of households grapple with the same question:How can we pinch more pennies to boost our bottom line?

Allowing yourselves to be inconvienienced, or denying yourself the smallest item,for fear of spending a few extra Naira of the company's money on legitimate business expenses.

When you pinch pennies, you're wasting time and energy on meaningless matters. You would be perceived as someone who isn't ready to play in the big leagues, and you definitely aren't taking care of one of the company's assets-You.

Many Organisations-large and small-manage to save very little money while destroying morale and alienating employees.Lots of Organisations complains about their idiotic plan to cut costs by clamping down on the purchase and use of office supplies.

At a very large name-brand organisation,pens and post-its are apparently kept under lock and key.Another Pharmaceutical company employee reports that the gigantic firm said it"will no longer purchase supplies such as pencils and paper, and post-its" for the office where the employee works.

A manager in one of the leading banks"once told its employees to use paper clips instead of staples because paper clips should be used to save money."A different firm said they were asked to "keep a listing(on a piece of paper)of each clip that was used and the reason for the use."

Why do efforts to save on Post-its and paper clips arouse so ,much derision.These aren't exactly luxury items.People generally use paper clips,post-its,pens and notebooks to complete corporate chores.And yet companies presume that their workers show up each morning not for the wages and the benefits but for the opportunity to stuff stick notes and tiny coils of low grade steel into their bags.

Some organisations also pinch pennies by denying employees coffee and milk to drink.Such coffee cutbacks aren't just petty,they are self defeating, companies get a lot of bang for the buck by providing coffee-a legal drug that keeps employees pepped up.Workers need caffeine to get through the day.Get up from your desk,go to the nearest coffee place and return.Now repeat.That's how much time a company loses by not providing.

One afternoon,I undertook an audit of my former place of work while still being the head of administrative.Office Supplies?Oh yeah.We've got closets filled with notebooks and pens,Post it notes and paper clips,just sitting there for the taking.

What Pinching penny story operates where you are?Share your experience in the comments.

Saturday 12 April 2014

The Platform Tech 2014.

At the just concluded platform tech which staged a one day business,technology and cultural innovative seminar to empower entrepreneurs to become empowered into moving to something bigger than what they could ever become.

The event which was tagged"Growing your local startup using Technology" came up today,  12th of April,2014 by 9a.m. at The Lagoon Restaurant Victoria Island,Lagos,Nigeria.

The venue was filled to capacity, with entrepreneurs who came with eager minds to learn and the speakers at the program were:
1. Sarah Lacy - Founder,CEO,Editor in chief PandoDally
2. Sim Shagaya - Founder and Konga,com
3. Bosun Tijani -CCO & Co-Founder, Co-Creation Hub Nigeria.

The program commenced with the first speaker; Mr Bosun Tijani
He spoke on,
1. How startup businesses should create values
2. Importance of communication and Information Technology.
3.How entrepreneurs should disrupt the stethoscope to make mankind better.
4.Focus not on how much money to make on technology but what you can give mankind.

Second Speaker- Mr Sim Shagaya spoke on,
1. Role of Providence
He stated that there would be failures,but keep trying again.He gave examples about himself and the different businesses he as created, that failed and how he never gave up.
2. The journey undertook by an Entrepreneur is very long.
3. How Entrepreneurs do not know what's beyond the cloud but keeping at it is the key.
4. That the greatest fear of an Entrepreneur turns out to be nothing.
5.Entrepreneurs should understand cultural context of the environments they are in.

Third Speaker - Sarah Lacy made her points under a topic she titled "Brilliant,Crazy and Cocky Entrepreneurs changing the society."
1. Every Entrepreneur should ask himself the question "How bad do i want it".
2. That the barriers that holds the innovation of an entrepreneur is "Making Excuses".
3. She spoke on the importance of delegating and building a great team.

After the speakers' forum, there was an interactive session were entrepreneurs had questions on funding,Creating Awareness,Customer service,techno system in Nigeria amongst others.

At the end of the Interactive session the program came to an end with a promising impact of information in the entrepreneurs minds.

Friday 11 April 2014


Work.Friends.Projects.Errands.Family.Health.Life has put a lot on our plates,and it seems to be adding more.It is easy to get caught up in this plight of modern life,but you do not have to.

Humans have only so much physical energy. This is also true for mental 'energy'.An absolute ton of research tells us that we only have so much willpower.When we're low on will-power,we're more likely to do things that go against our better judgement,like overreacting emotionally,eating too much,or not persisting at tasks that require persistence.

Low will-power moments are going to happen.So,why not take a break when you're not going to be all that productive anyway.

When you work hard,it's important to take a few breaks throughout the day. But let's be honest:Is 10 minutes of scrolling through Facebook really a break?

Working without a break can be voluntary or involuntary. If you willingly ignore breaks,lunch hours and vacations and you consistently work large amount of overtime, you may be suffering from workaholism, a fixation on your work that is considered a behavioural addiction.

Whether working without a break is your personal choice or forced upon you, the effects can damage your work, your health and your personal life.

Working without a break is not only damaging to your health but it also impedes optimum performance as well.

Productivity experts suggests that a break every ninety minutes is required to maintain maximum levels of concentration and accuracy.

Working without a break also contributes to the impression that you're flustered or inefficient. Working through lunch hours or without coming up for air won't get you ahead. Giving the Impression you are always up to your ears could hinder your being given special projects that could later bring you recognition.

Tips on how to take breaks that enables optimum productivity.

#1 Make a habit of taking a stretch break at least once every ninety minutes.

#2 Make a habit of scheduling at least one lunch meeting in a week.

#3 Schedule times during the day to drop at a colleague's office or table for a few minutes of casual conversation, and when someone drop by yours, stop and invite them in.

#4 Set an alarm to remind you of your break(and when it goes off...take your break).

#5 Use the lunch hour to your advantage ,run an errand that will allow you get home earlier after work, take a walk and refresh yourself for your afternoon activities.

#6 Step outside and call your mom,dad,sibling,or other family member just to say hello.They would appreciate it.

#7.Send a thank -you note to someone who's helped you out recently-your assistant who's gone above and beyond or a co-worker who proofread a report for you.It doesn't even have to be something big.

#8. Organize your smartphone.Take a few minutes to delete apps you never use.

#9.Sit back and daydream for a few minutes.We're not talking about warm beaches or exciting vacations-instead,think about where your career might take you to in two,five,ten years from now.Don't focus on what's possible or what you might have to do to get there-just allow your mind to wander.

#10. Take out a notepad and pen and write for a few minutes.Don't worry if nothing brilliant comes to mind-even just writing down your feelings or what you're grateful for can be incredibly relaxing.

If after all this, you still keep telling yourself that - Break! Do I Need It, then you are definitely doing too much harm on yourself.

Ask yourself-Do I want to be a Pigeon or the Statue.

Tell us! What's your favorite way to take a break at work?


Creating a facebook page is one of the first social media tools every individual or business creates.Many facebook pages are unfunctional because no one visits or even check what it has to say.

It's time to get your page in front of people!  In other words,driving traffic to your page increases engagement and it promotes your business. Always keep in mind that people want to get linked to someone or something. What they sometimes require is a gentle reminder.

I would be sharing ways for you to make people visit your facebook page.

#1.Make your network relevant
If someone has joined your email list,they most likely would love to connect with you on facebook too.Send an email to your contact,inviting them to like your business facebook page and automatically your newsfeed is shown to them.

#2. Don't stay hidden
Add a facebook page badge to your website or blog. A badge is an icon you create that links fans from your website to your facebook page.

#3. Share your facebook page with friends and family.
No one wants you to succeed more than your friends and family,they can help by becoming enthusiastic fans.

#4. Go to a new social heights with your facebook page.There is a big difference between "social media" and "social media marketing". Social media marketing enables you to be found and be relevant. Share a link from your facebook page to other social networks.

#5.Promote Offline
You can promote your facebook page on printed marketing materials including business cards,menus,flyers,signs,tshirts-anywhere it can be visible.

#6.Tell anyone who will listen.
Promote your facebook page next time you speak at a seminar or conference. You can include your  page in your slide deck.

It's possible for your face book page to be one of the best out there but if no one knows about it,it won't do a whole lot of good for your business.

What are you waiting for,Spread the word!

Thursday 10 April 2014


I get pretty upset when people steal my why do i turn a blind eye when my time is being stolen.It is a fact, a common thing for co-workers,bosses,even friends to steal our valuable time.

Time is a tonic to life,which cannot be gotten back.Yet our society do not care about people monopolizing,interrupting,and simply taking our time.

In the workplace,it's as usual.From lengthy meetings that are most times unnecessary.The annoying ones are mercilessly scheduled on people's  calendars without notice or consideration.They constantly call these meetings to gather people together. This may be to show the power they have or how important they are.

Too often we find that we are scheduled for extraneous meetings,that leave no time for work to be done.

People get upset if you dare decline a meeting. You would be label a difficult or obstructive person.

Tips for defending your time from being stolen.

#1. Stop answering the phone
Avoid jumping everytime your extension rings  or someone decides they want to buzz you.Otherwise people will steal your time when it's most inconvienient.

#2. Block your time
A very interesting strategy you can use is scheduling a meeting with yourself.It would be socially unacceptable to tell a colleague that you cannot come to the meeting because you have something important to do,but guess what it is ok to say that you have another meeting.It's not necessary to reveal that the appointment is with yourself.

#3. Keep off those who waste your time.
It is important not to waste your time with toxic people.You know those specific people who waste your time. Avoid hanging around this people.

#4. Set Standards
If you set high standard on your time,then others would surely abide by it.Your actions will train your co-workers on how to respect your time.

#5.Practice what you preach.
If you want others to respect your time,you need to respect theirs.

Share your best stories of people who waste your time and how you protected your time.Please share in the comments.

Wednesday 9 April 2014


Paper!This is a big one for lots of us and it's one area where clutter not only causes mess,but can actually cost you money and time. Keeping on top of bills and being able to find important documents when you need them reduces the possibility of mishaps like late fees and getting a routine set stream like the paperwork process.

An informal survey was conducted with office workers and small business owners.They were asked what "admin"task they keep putting off.Most of them said that it was paper-mail,faxes,printing,filing and official documentation.

Am not surprised about that because am also not a fan of paper.

How much paper do you have sitting on your desk right now?How much paper in your drawers?How much of it is waiting  to be attended to?To be filed?To be taken out of the envelope?Just when are you going to take the time to get all that paperwork sorted.

There is a hard truth i need to tell you:your paperwork isn't going away until you do something with it.But you already know that,right?

I hate having paper mess up my work space,but i absolutely love having paper in their right spots,Neat piles,sometimes in color-coded folders,sometime clipped together with colorful paperclip.
The real issue is we keep stacking this paper and postponing when we could sort,arrange and file them.Avoiding the pile,makes the paper grow bigger and bigger.

Three easy tips to bring less mess and stress to you-

1. A simple system you can set up is the numbers method.Set up folders and label them in numbers,you could also color code them. The numbers/colors indicate the urgency with which i need to process the paperwork in each folder.This way i am able to know what paper work needs urgent attention.

2.Setting aside a set time everyday or week to deal with your paperwork.Set a goal for yourself to get to the bottom of the pile before you move to the next one.

3.Having a great filing system can make you more efficient,but don't  waste time filing paper in which you can get the information somewhere else and it's not of importance.Don't file it for the sake of it.Bin or Shred it.

Paperwork doesn't always have to be messy and stressful. Keeping tabs on it,it'll never get the better of you.

Tell us your messy paperwork story, we would love to learn from you.

Tuesday 8 April 2014


Everyday at work, you run the risk of damaging your personal brand-even if you don't think you have one.
Your personal brand is the way people perceive,think and feel about you in relation to others. People all around you have perceptions,thoughts and feelings about you so just by virtue of being "you" in the workplace,you already have a personal brand.

"A personal brand is a promise of performance that creates expectations in it's audience.Done well, it clearly communicates the values,personality, and abilities of the person behind it.

You need to ask yourself if you have the personal brand you want.Is your brand bringing you greater success or holding you back?Knowing the response to that would make a big difference in knowing if your career is staying land-locked or sky rocketing.

I hereby share tips on how to save your personal brand.

1. Make a list of three to five things that brings you satisfaction at work.We always have the tendency to be good at what we like,so focus first on these to point you in the right direction.You might come up with responses such as help others,listen,problem solve,negotiate,write technical reports,manage projects,collect data,identify obstacles,implement solutions and more.

2. Translate these behaviors into key strengths you bring to your workplace.For example, "My ability to listen effectively enables me to gather data from reluctant sources.Tied in with that is the skill at writing which allows me to report that data in an objective objectives way.Once the data is collected and reported,i've exhibited the ability to identify and implement solutions to problems.

3. Consider how these behaviors distinguish you from others.For example,the ability to gather and report data may be unique in a department or company mainly known for producing a product.

4.Get clear about what your current brand stands for right now.This means discovering how people think and feel about you in the present moment.You could enlist a friend you trust to ask several work colleagues for the top five words that describes you.Are you described the way you want or your personal brand needs adjustments.

5.Learn how to communicate your brand effectively.Defining your personal brand is a first step you have to take instead of it remaining on a piece of paper in a drawer.It won't do much good to you.The key to success is being consistent with these activities-in what you say,do, and think-day-in and day-out.

6. Avoid damaging your personal brand-After you have defined your personal brand and created a plan for communicating it,you need to take special care to keep it.How do you do that?Watch others and learn from their mistakes.So pay attention to what others do that damages their personal brands and avoid doing the same.

7.Keep a good sense of humor!Most importantly,if you make a personal branding mistake,be willing to laugh at yourself.Everyone likes to work with someone who doesn't take themselves too seriously.

So create the personal brand you want today, and learn how to harness it.
It can be one of the most powerful ways to move forward in your career.

Share your personal brand strengths and if it's working for you in your workplace.


Following an article I read, see the link below,

Honestly its really worth looking into, but first and foremost let us understand who a virtual assistant is;

A virtual assistant offers help to individuals /organizations/ companies over the internet. I can tell you from personal experience, it's a great work-at-home opportunity and something many people could do.

Lots of people hear the word "virtual assistance" and the first they think about is administrative assistance, like a secretary. It can mean that, but its broader than that.

You could go hours upon hours trying to grow or develop a business. But how you spend your valuable time could actually end up hindering your company from becoming successful.

Hiring a virtual assistant can free up some of the time you spend working on administrative work and replace with what you do best. Hiring a virtual assistant can free up your time in data entry, posting content on your blog, answering email from clients, following up with vendors/clients or responding to social media mentions.

A virtual assistant can be short term or long term and an assistant can fill in for a specific project, or commit to a certain amount of hours per week or month.

The services a virtual assistant can offer businesses are endless it only depends on the area the owner needs the assistant.

With the heavy impact of workers being laid off in Nigeria, due to the financial crisis, and companies not being able to afford to keep permanent staff, companies would be looking at outsourcing their jobs.

Virtual assistants do not require workplace or employees benefits.
Their wages is a determinant of the hours worked on the tasks.
Virtual assistants offer far more capabilities and can be personalized for each person.

However, if there is one request heard over and over again by companies, it's for more and varied choices of outsourcing that would be going to the virtual assistant, along with greater control.

Dear readers, what is your opinion on hiring virtual assistants.
Give us a feedback on your thoughts of the survival of virtual assist in Nigeria.

Leave a comment and share what you think.


You've attended several organizer trainnings,countless branch meetings,gone to seminars and heard organizers tell their stories,but you still feel like everything is two steps forward and six steps back in your workplace.

We have to believe that we can do this work.We have to know that as a fact.We all have our isolation moments:feeling not good enough,that our bodies and mind aren't right,that we make the wrong choices.We have lifelong battles to accept ourselves or to ignore how much we don't accept ourselves.

This society relies on making you not feel good enough in order to push you into spending your last cash on something that you believe can make you stronger,prettier,smarter or sexier.

Then there's the very nature of subservient work:you're placed into a job with"superiors"that are younger  than you(I'm 31 and have a 19-year-old supervisor) or have less experience than you.We 're supposed to follow work orders without question,often to the point of injury or death.You have been told that you are worthwhile but actually believe in your bones that you are worth something. You have contributions to make to the world through your community,your family, and your job(s).

The majority of your co-workers,like you have had a lifetime of having their self-esteem chipped away at.We have been broken down by authority figures our whole lives, by the police,classmates,Intimate partners,Parents,Teachers and our bosses.

We're broken and molded into participating on this system that we never chose.We work ourselves to death in order to buy goods and services that we then use to keep ourselves functioning enough to keep working.Working students are working their way through school in order to get a better job only to realize that there is no much difference with the old ones.Does career even exist anymore?

We grew up watching our parents struggle and we promise them and ourselves that we would struggle our way out of this path of poverty.We swear to everyone that it will"pay off".

This cycle can end with us.We have to believe.We keep looking up for instruction when we should be looking to those at our side :our neighbours,friends,co-workers.Their ideas,like ours are worthwhile.If you don't believe you are capable then others won't believe it either.

We need to take our stands in our workplace and refuse to be mistreated.We spend most of the hours of our lives there.We need to start declaring at work,"Whose house is this?This is our house."and let the bosses know that they are "guests in our home".

Walk into your job like you own it.It can't operate without you.

It's important to exude confidence,even if you don't feel confident.

Try even if it feels hopeless,because without the effort, you've accepted defeat.

Monday 7 April 2014


Young professionals often spend more time at the office than at home.As a result, there are a lot of single men and women who don't have the time to meet new people.Naturally,they seek their surrounding environment -the office.

Single people feel that work is a natural place to meet new people. After all,you spend at least 40hrs a week there with individuals of similar background and interests. Relationships with co-workers can be especially tempting because hard work doesn't leave much time for socializing.

There's no doubt that each year, lots of people fall in love with their co-workers or their bosses.Other employees typically get swept up in workplace romances through the gossip mill.But while they can't be prevented, office liasons are not always a joy for business owners.And they are more difficult to handle when they occur at small companies.

Employers cannot control human nature, so a workplace romance policy is unenforceable. And if you establish one,it sends a negative message to employees about your company's willingness to impose itself into their personal lives.

The other thing is that you don't want to create a Romeo and Juliet situation.If there's a policy against workplace romances,people will feel they must lie and sneak around and that's the last thing an employer want.

Given the amount of time we spend at work, it is little wonder that many people find their passion and excitement in the office. Whether you're already romantically involved at work, or just thinking about it,here's how to be six steps ahead of heartache-and unemployment.

#1. Leave him if he's married-You will win very little support for your relationship and you run the risk of his wife/girlfriend turning up at the office.

#2.Flirt Discreetly-Discretion is the key to a successful office romance.Brushing past someone or a stolen glance over the photocopier is far more enticing than draping yourself over his desk.

#3.Decide whether to confide in colleagues-If you don't want to be a regular feature of office gossip,it might be best to tell a few close colleagues about your romance. That way people loose the intrigue and friends won't feel excluded.

#4. Think carefully about sex in the workplace -It's all part of the package of an office romance but if you don't want your cloakroom exploits broadcast at the end of year party,look out for security cameras.It's better to save the passion for after hours.

#5. Beware of company law-Although there are no specific laws that prevent office romances,your company might have its own policy.

#6. Make sure you're the only one -With any office romance,you've got all your eggs in one basket-you're very vulnerable .If you're going to risk your career,friends and livelihood then make sure he's worth it.If you know you're not the first office conquest -steer clear.Worse,if you didn't know,give yourself time to cool off.


Some of us are good at office politics, some not. When I was a carreerist, before i became an entrepreneur/blogger, i often said that i refuse to play that game, that office politics were not for me. In truth,if there are more than two people in an office, there will be office politics, and you'd better figure out how to play.
The business of politics is simply the business of relationship and understanding the quid pro quo (something in exchange for something else) inherent to every relationship.

In 14 years of corporate experience i have been dismayed at the number of times strong participants have been tossed to the curb in favor of those who used not their job skills but their carefully honed political strengths to succeed.
I've made that observation myself .I recall complaining many years ago about the high conflict politics that seemed to run rampant at the major organization that employed an individual who was close to me at the time.
His response: "You don't like it because you 're not good at it. So you've made it out to be 'wrong'."

I would be sharing 7 steps on how to survive Office Politics.

#1 Give Time and Understand the psyche of your colleagues and Seniors-
It is important to understand the people you are working with,knowing what motivates them in and out of the organisation,their view of the organisation. You have to be careful, and tactful and above all be a good listener,develop their confidence in you. Becoming a confidante is the best possible thing in any set up, personal or professional.

#2 Be Nice and Cordial to all-
This is more true,as you don't know when and whom you might have to work with. So be nice to people. It will help in working and also in getting information, in knowing what's happening all around, the office politics etc. Being nice does not mean that you have to be the ever smiling or the flattering types.

#3 Device new ways of approaching issues-
Out of box thinking always helps most of all in dealing with human resources. Now in general if people are professional then they are expected to behave in a particular manner. In other words getting work done,without getting sidelined, by interfering in the office power games.

#4 Be genuine as much as possible-
Although i know its not easy to be genuine while listening to someone's tails of treachery/cunning ways or someone's cribbing session!(I mean you will be genuine but in another direction)Be humane and more accepting of other people...try and not judge people. So be naturally concerned and helpful without going overboard.

#5 To change the system is not possible and not needed/necessary-
Please understand and realize that systems are so because they are meant to be so... One person cannot change and should not aim to change the true to yourself and your values and leave the organisation if you find the system and its practices a burden on yourself.

#6 Have a lower benchmark-
There is a limit to everything and then there is a situation point.So the moment the red light of your conscious starts glowing...give it up...there are other places to work. For if you continue cribbing and also working then the day is not far when the benchmark will cease to exist and you will join the bandwagon of people who have no self esteem and who just exist.

#7 Practice Patience and Learn Tact-
There is no alternative. The more patient you become the less is the stress and the happier your disposition. No one can teach how to be tactful but everyone needs to learn it to be successful and happy.

Like a writer once said "Don't avoid Office Politics,Play it."


Most employees in the workplace believe they are underpaid compared to the services they render.The usual saying of  a disgruntled employee is "My boss is making all the money and paying me so low compared to the services i offer."

At my first job Interview, after all has been said, i was asked what salary am I expecting,feeling so confident about my potentials and what i could bring to the table-Hardwork,Sincereity and Honesty.

I looked into the eyes of my would be employer and gave a figure that i felt could equate to what am going to deliver.The reply i got was'we cant pay that much for this pisition and can only offer this much' which was 25% below what  i requested for.

At that moment the thought that ran through my head was how i needed to get the job before the remaining applicants waiting in the waiting room comes and accept the offer.

This is generally what happens with a good number of enployees today who nags and complain of being underpaid.They agree to the sum that as been proposed by the employer whether it meets their needs or not due to the desperate position they put themselves in, and after a few months on the job they begin to complain of being underpaid.

Future Applicants have to be prepared and tactful so that they do not find themselves in this position in the long run.The following points should be considered well by an applicant before agreeing to a salary figure-

1. Salary increase may not be done until a year or more.

2. The percentage increase on the salary would be at a proportion of the comoany turnover which may not be favourable that year.

3. Change is a constant thing which means new people would join the company and get higher salary due to their bargaining power, experience or educational qualification.

All Employers want to cut cost and have higher returns.

As a disgruntled employee think back and see, that you actually short paid yourself by agreeing to the offer on the table, and for new applicants 'A word is enough for the wise.'