Monday 14 April 2014

Does Pinching Pennies costs Companies more than they save them?

Being accustomed to having to account how they spend their money,people who aren't hesitant to spend their own money on themselves fall into the trap of Pinching company pennies.

Behind conference-room doors and at kitchen tables, corporate big slots and heads of households grapple with the same question:How can we pinch more pennies to boost our bottom line?

Allowing yourselves to be inconvienienced, or denying yourself the smallest item,for fear of spending a few extra Naira of the company's money on legitimate business expenses.

When you pinch pennies, you're wasting time and energy on meaningless matters. You would be perceived as someone who isn't ready to play in the big leagues, and you definitely aren't taking care of one of the company's assets-You.

Many Organisations-large and small-manage to save very little money while destroying morale and alienating employees.Lots of Organisations complains about their idiotic plan to cut costs by clamping down on the purchase and use of office supplies.

At a very large name-brand organisation,pens and post-its are apparently kept under lock and key.Another Pharmaceutical company employee reports that the gigantic firm said it"will no longer purchase supplies such as pencils and paper, and post-its" for the office where the employee works.

A manager in one of the leading banks"once told its employees to use paper clips instead of staples because paper clips should be used to save money."A different firm said they were asked to "keep a listing(on a piece of paper)of each clip that was used and the reason for the use."

Why do efforts to save on Post-its and paper clips arouse so ,much derision.These aren't exactly luxury items.People generally use paper clips,post-its,pens and notebooks to complete corporate chores.And yet companies presume that their workers show up each morning not for the wages and the benefits but for the opportunity to stuff stick notes and tiny coils of low grade steel into their bags.

Some organisations also pinch pennies by denying employees coffee and milk to drink.Such coffee cutbacks aren't just petty,they are self defeating, companies get a lot of bang for the buck by providing coffee-a legal drug that keeps employees pepped up.Workers need caffeine to get through the day.Get up from your desk,go to the nearest coffee place and return.Now repeat.That's how much time a company loses by not providing.

One afternoon,I undertook an audit of my former place of work while still being the head of administrative.Office Supplies?Oh yeah.We've got closets filled with notebooks and pens,Post it notes and paper clips,just sitting there for the taking.

What Pinching penny story operates where you are?Share your experience in the comments.

1 comment:

  1. This office supplies story is often common in work places. In my office it goes as far as promotional items being locked in cupboards for years.
